Parabéns pela conclusão do CI/CD com o módulo CodePipeline.
This module is not used in subsequent steps, so you can remove the resources now, or at the end of the workshop.
First we need to delete the Kubernetes deployment and service:
kubectl delete deployments hello-k8s
kubectl delete services hello-k8s
Next, we are going to delete the CloudFormation stack created. Open CloudFormation the AWS Management Console.
Check the box next to the eksws-codepipeline stack, select the Actions dropdown menu and then click Delete stack:
Now we are going to delete the ECR repository:
Empty and then delete the S3 bucket used by CodeBuild for build artifacts (bucket name starts with eksws-codepipeline). First, select the bucket, then empty the bucket and finally delete the bucket:
Finally, we are going to delete the IAM role created for CodeBuild to permit changes to the EKS cluster:
aws iam delete-role-policy --role-name EksWorkshopCodeBuildKubectlRole --policy-name eks-describe
aws iam delete-role --role-name EksWorkshopCodeBuildKubectlRole